Hi! It's Veronika here

I warmly invite you to discover Amber's story

From my first encounter with clay, I knew that ceramics was what I wanted to devote myself truly to. The unpredictability of the result brings a unique charm to ceramics. I'm fascinated by working with clay, working with colours and combining manual, creative work to produce a functional result. After completing an intensive ceramics course and endless hours of personal practice and learning, I opened my own studio.

The name Amber symbolises natural materials, the essence of ceramics. At the same time it's a symbol of joy and harmony, which I aim to embody with each and every piece.

Ceramics are made from stoneware and are fired twice at high temperatures. The final look of each piece is determined by many factors such as the choice of clay, shape, glaze or firing temperature. The combination of these many factors guarantees the uniqueness of Amber ceramics.

In my work, I emphasise quality, not quantity. In today's world of AI and automation, I look for beauty in handmade things and their imperfections. That's why every single piece is special to me. The art of creating pottery, with the hand-glazing and firing in a kiln means that each piece has its own character.